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SCA Combat Archers

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-01-30, 14:10:11 ---I'm positive the SCA veterans on this forum would advise you just go and see what you think, and get in some loner gear first.

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I'd say that's true of any sword-fighting group, HEMA/WMA included. Different groups have different requirements, and different emphasis. It's best to find out from those you'll be participating with, what it is that they would recommend to you.

Sir James A:
SCA combat for minors also requires parental consent forms if I remember correctly.

Lord Chagatai:
It is best to go to a practice...look for the knight marshal or a white belt (symbol of a knight in the sca) or a red belt (squire) they will definitely show you the ropes and talk about kingdom don't even have the minimum to fight so I would go to a practice. And I wholeheartedly say do not buy any gear until you know that it is what you want to do. It can get very helm alone was $500. Also you need to be 16 and have parental consent. If you let me know where you are I will find lis for you and point you in the right direction.

Lord Chagatai Burilgi, squire to Sir Chinua, kingdom of the Outlands, barony of al-Barran

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Sir Rodney:

--- Quote from: RackThor on 2014-01-02, 17:13:16 ---SCA target archery is not too different from target practice really, however I wanted to see if any of you have personal stories about being, or encountering combat archers on the field of battle. Were they effective? How did you fight combat archers? If you are one share your knowledge, and if your good at beating them please do the same.

Thank you,


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Sorry RackThor, I meant to answer your question but then … Squirrel! … Where was I?  Ah yes, SCA archery.

SCA target archery is a separate competitive sport very similar to regular target archery, except you’re in period clothing and using the most period bow that you can make or afford.  You shoot at butts or bales and are scored accordingly.  Sometimes Kingdoms run a yearlong championship at several different events and the total points winner is crowned archery champion.

SCA combat archery is a whole other animal.  You are required wear full armour and are considered fair game on the field of combat.  The arrows are very large in diameter and the safety tips are heavy.   Combine this with gauntlets and your accuracy leaves something to be desired.

The best way I can describe SCA combat archery is like having a 20’ spear.  You can reach out and touch others who can’t reach you in return (Knights hate this fact).  Working in pairs with another archer has worked well for me.  It’s hard for your targets to focus on two archers 10’ apart.  When the lead archer fires, the second archer usually finds a nice gap to hit as someone invariably raises a shield or tries to protect their buddy.  Beware of flanking maneuvers as a unit that catches an undefended archer in the backfield will grind you into the ground for the suffering you’ve caused.

Sir Nate:
Ya I'll have to go to the combat practice. I'm sorry, I didn't address going to it.
How about this, once I go to a combat practice and get associated with a local group, I'll inform you guys of what kinda stuff I'll need.
It will probably be in spring.  When the weather warms up.


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