Main > The Armoury
hospitaller kit
Sir Wolf:
ok working on my kit ala the 1206 statute.
got done:
sword belt
almost done:
garnache (monks robe)
need to make:
some of it i have taken from my norman kit. sigh, I'll fill in the pieces later so each kit has its own gear. tonight I'm sewing on the cross to my cloak. i would say with the mail, sword, and helmet i have i am at the mid to late 12th century (1150ish) I would REALLY like to take this kit into the 13th century around 1230-1250, but in doing so I would need a new helmet, gambeson, long sleeved mail with mittens, mail chausis and padded cuises. not to mention a new sword, shield and dagger. sigh ehheheh. any suggestions?
Sir Edward:
Suggestions? Hmm, how much do you want to spend? Hehe :)
Sounds like it's really coming along! What helm are you using for it currently? A nasal helm? Or one of those crusades full-faced helms?
We need to see some pictures. :)
Das Bill:
FYI, Revival Clothing is coming out with a new line of Crusades-era clothing.
Sir Edward:
That's awesome. I'd have bought that stuff up a number of years ago. Now that I'm working on my own color schemes and heraldry, I'm not planning to do so much Templar/Hospitaller stuff. Still, it'll be tempting anyway.
Sir Wolf:
kewl. but wow what a mark up :o :o hehehe thats maybe 20 bucks worth of wool. hehehe and at 1206 surcoats on hospitallers weren't done yet that came much later like say 30-50 years.
in 1206 we're still wearing the robes baby! :)
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