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What In your Opinion Really ended the age of Knights

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Lord Dane:
Predominantly, the end of a feudal system. Knights reigned during this time period.

Sir Brian:
That particular episode is a pet peeve of mine but as you've already surmised was chock full of BS.
As to the decline of knight's being an overwhelming force on the battle field I completely agree with
Sir Nathan's assessment:

--- Quote --- I'd say the shift in military practice, tactics, and recruitment that stripped the knight of his tactical/military role, and made him practically obsolete.
--- End quote ---
Starting as early as the 3rd crusade there was a shift of tactics that developed a combined arms approach, the battle of Arsuf being a prime example:

Also at the beginning of the 14th century the infantry and militia came into their own and were no longer the ill equipped and poorly trained rabble as demonstrated in the battle of the Golden Spurs:
which also happened to be a portent for the French of the way the 14th and early 15th centuries will go for them! ;)

Sir William:
The arrival of the war bow was the harbinger of change as far as tactics in warfare are concerned.  Earlier armies made use of shorter, lighter bows to differing effect, but in Europe, the bows of the Welsh and English archers, which were cheap and relatively easy to produce (as opposed to making a sword or axe, for instance), would prove to be especially effective against even highly skilled and well-equipped cavalry.

Lord Dane:
Sir Brian said FRENCH.  >:( Grrrrrrr!!!!

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Lord Dane on 2013-12-10, 14:15:32 ---Sir Brian said FRENCH.  >:( Grrrrrrr!!!!

--- End quote ---
It was The French That Brought The Downfall of Knights!

Yes it wasn't just guns, I agree. I didn't even think of the longbow. But then I think of Agincourt. but most of the time a large group of archers would kill many men.
just like in Arn the Templar.
Which that kinda bothered me in arn, how the heavy cavalry were being killed by arrows even though many historical documents state that knights would look like porcupines after an arrows folly. Maybe they had bad armor.


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