Main > The Round Table

20 Rules of Being a Man

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Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Nate on 2013-12-31, 21:10:20 ---I think Bear wrestling is a rule.
Thou shall Have Wings and football every sunday with Friends.
                        BEER      SWORD DUELS
Thou shall Bear wrestle
Thou shall be smelly
Thou shall love him smelf
Thou shall leave the toilet seat up

--- End quote ---

Fixed!  ;D

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2014-01-01, 13:33:00 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Nate on 2013-12-31, 21:10:20 ---I think Bear wrestling is a rule.
Thou shall Have Wings and football every sunday with Friends.
                        BEER      SWORD DUELS
Thou shall Bear wrestle
Thou shall be smelly
Thou shall love him smelf
Thou shall leave the toilet seat up

--- End quote ---

Fixed!  ;D

--- End quote ---

What a dangerous combo.
This is why most people in the middle ages didn't see 40

Sir Brian:
Well preferably it is sword duels first then beer and if it is with sharps your fallen opponent is buying the rounds, if you are the one that has fallen you are buying the rounds for them hence the reason why you should always bring money to a duel for it is the epitome of bad form to die a pauper!  ;)


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