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Knighly Orders during the Crusades

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Hello gents,

I was thinking this morning about three orders that I come across the most when reading about the crusades (3rd mostly, and 1st). What is everyone's thoughts on the Templars, the Hospitallers, and the Tuetonic orders. Well, obviously if you aren't at least SOMEWHAT familiar with the Templars, then life on the moon must be great! I believe the Hospitallers were what the name implies - They ran Hospitals servicing knights and crusaders. All I know of the Tuetonic Order is that they were German..

I'm curious as to what anyone else here thinks about each order. And,

Sir Douglas:
As far as Crusading Orders go, I think the Hospitallers were the baddest of the bad. I mean come on: wearing a black, woolen cappa (that was at one point long-sleeved) in the hot, Middle Eastern sun? That takes some serious manliness there. ;)

Anyway, yeah, the Hospitallers started out running hospitals, which at that time weren't just for treating sick and injured, but also providing for the poor and for pilgrims. It was essentially a "hospitality house". Eventually, they organized into a military order as well.

The Teutonic Order also had a presence in the Holy Land (I want to say they first organized in the Third[?] Crusade), but they're probably best known for the Northern Crusades against the Baltic Pagans.

You also had the Orders of Santiago and Calatrava, which participated in the Iberian Reconquista.

Aiden of Oreland:
Templars created a great system of banking. Tuetonic Knights are still an active order. According to Wikipedia (again, this is jut wikipedia) that they wish to serve the Vatican.

Sir Nate:
As far as I have learned the Templars are blamed for every horrible act in history that crusaders did. Not Templars.
They weren't bad, Im sure they may have done bad things that I don't know about but they really didn't do anything that bad.
They are my favorite order as you can see(maybe that is because Gallahed in monty python bore a cross) but I also specialize in them when it comes to knowledge of medieval things.

--- Quote from: Sir Aiden on 2013-11-27, 20:26:41 ---Templars created a great system of banking. Tuetonic Knights are still an active order. According to Wikipedia (again, this is jut wikipedia) that they wish to serve the Vatican.

--- End quote ---
Yes they did have banking. but they were also very organized when it came to military tactics and keeping a head count on every member. There were a total of 40,000 templars all over europe when france began to prosecute them. There was a database of how many of the Templars were knight, soldiers, etc. and they had files on every member. I love reading about tactics they would have on the battlefield.
Templars represented power in all areas. They were definitely the strongest of the 3 orders.

The templars last holdout was in scottland, until I heard otherwise from a tourist at the m.d. renfaire telling me they went to an island off the coast of spain. anyone know anything about that?

also learned about the Mongol wars last year, very interesting battles happened.

Sir Douglas:

--- Quote from: Sir Aiden on 2013-11-27, 20:26:41 ---Tuetonic Knights are still an active order.

--- End quote ---

Yep, and so are the Hospitallers, though I think they go by the Order of Malta now. :)
Heh, actually the Order of Santiago is still around as well, and I think the Order of Calatrava lasted until sometime in the 18th or 19th century. It's just the poor Templars that got snuffed out early.

--- Quote from: Sir Nate on 2013-11-27, 20:41:51 ---
also learned about the Mongol wars last year, very interesting battles happened.

--- End quote ---

Dan Carlin of Hardcore History did an excellent podcast series about the Mongols. They were seriously scary dudes. The extent of their empire during its height is just astounding.


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