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Internet-era evil

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Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2013-11-26, 21:34:46 ---Some slime balls that replicate being human are a strong argument to bring back drawing & quartering complete with disembowelment and the burning of their gentiles on a brazier while they watch.

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Sir Brian, how did you know I wanted a "rack" for Christmas???  ;D English did do 'medieval torture' the best (subject to opinion). On that note, I'll do some human BBQing & branding in this matter as the dispencer of justice.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2013-11-26, 21:34:46 ---Some slime balls that replicate being human are a strong argument to bring back drawing & quartering complete with disembowelment and the burning of their gentiles on a brazier while they watch. 

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I would much favor an Iron Maiden return. It's an utterly twisted device, likely created by someone almost as evil as the guy in the article. Common thought for a long time was that it was a somewhat fast death. There was semi-recent research (10? 15 years ago?) that said that the spikes weren't haphazardly placed, and were extremely strategic. The different sizes of Iron Maidens were for victims of different sizes, rather than simply produced at different places.

Long spikes would puncture deep - but placed to miss vital organs. Short spikes would be intended puncture the flesh, but not deep enough to hit vital organs, which would speed up their demise. So that you'd bleed out. Slowly. For a long time. Estimates of anywhere between 6 and 24 hours before you actually died. And the more you squirmed on the spikes, the faster you'd bleed before death - but you can't squirm much because the number of spikes made it nearly impossible to move, especially if they punctured some muscles. That part was all shown with an anatomical overlay in the maiden itself - which also questioned just how deep was the medieval knowledge of anatomy for some.

I vaguely recall something (I'm not sure if it was in that article/show or a fantasy movie) about having a feast, and bringing the soon-to-be-dead into the feast hall to see the food, song, dance and merriment, before putting him in the Iron Maiden right there in the feast hall. The screams of agony would be drowned out by the crowd, as the dying would be forced to listen to everyone's happiness, while they slowwwwly slipped away into death and darkness. Truly the stuff of nightmares.

Being drawn and quartered was a rapid death. I'd far prefer to see the seriously demented who inflict such torture on their victims treated with the same compassion they showed; that is to say, none at all.

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-11-26, 16:52:53 ---What prompts people to become this evil?

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I saw that on Facebook and I was furious halfway through the article. I had to quit and come back to finish reading it later. I would have been upset at any nude photos, private or not, since even encrypted digital things can be cracked. Polaroids shouldn't have gone away. Even private conversations are essentially "between you, me, the NSA, and hackers".

Sir Douglas:
Brazen bull, anyone?

Honestly, I think that level of evil has always existed. The Internet is just a newer outlet for it, and enables it to affect a larger number of people. Why or how one gets to that level is beyond me.
Humans, man...we're really messed up creatures.


--- Quote from: DouglasTheYounger on 2013-11-27, 18:32:21 ---Honestly, I think that level of evil has always existed. The Internet is just a newer outlet for it, and enables it to affect a larger number of people.
Humans, man...we're really messed up creatures.

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Aiden of Oreland:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2013-11-27, 18:34:50 ---
--- Quote from: DouglasTheYounger on 2013-11-27, 18:32:21 ---Honestly, I think that level of evil has always existed. The Internet is just a newer outlet for it, and enables it to affect a larger number of people.
Humans, man...we're really messed up creatures.

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Every age has there criminals, but it is the every day good person and the little things in life that keep the evil at bay. It is also up to men like us to bring justice through chivalry.
A good quote from Avengers "there are no men like me"-Loki "there are always men like you"-Elder
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