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What is my helm?

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Aiden of Oreland:
I have a slight problem. I bought this helm about 4 years ago maybe. I was young and didn't really care about how historically accurate my stuff was. Maybe one of you could figure out what it is because I have NO idea. When I bought it, it was called "heavy duty sca helm" with no teal description from

Sir Patrick:
Looks like a visored sugarloaf.

Sir Ulrich:
I've seen similar helmets in late 13th early 14th century art. Used mostly with maille armor, I'd bet this is more early 14th century, as earliest as I would say would be 1290 possibly.

Aiden of Oreland:
Its larger than a suger loaf, trust me my brother owns a suger loaf. Just look at my profile pic, its the helmet I am wearing.

I've been fighting in the SCA for 13 years, and a member for 32 years, and I've never seen one like it. Obviously it's too big, and as you know just cause a seller claims a thing doesn't make it so, but I would guess a Deepka Visored Sugarloaf helm? There are historical examples *kinda* like the one you wear from the Czech Republic.

BTW, go here to be inspired: Pics that would inspire new guys. (UPDATE 8/31/2011)
like this one taken of Leo Medii~


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