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How Do I Make My Knightly Tunic/Surcoat

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Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2013-11-23, 14:47:06 ---Try doing some of the research for yourself, it can be very rewarding.
--- End quote ---

QFT and it really is half the fun! ;)

Sir Douglas:
Also, if you're looking at 13th century, I would highly recommend looking through the Maciejowski Bible (sometimes called the Morgan Bible). It has excellent examples of both martial and civil gear from about the mid-century.

Sir Wolf:
oh yes it is!

Aiden of Oreland:
I do like the waist high from the 14th century. But I may just make the shin length surcoat too. Why not have both :) . I may have to buy a Klapvisor bascinet and a Great helm. Maybe make helmet decor, I'll have to look into how to make the the waist one. Hey by the way, thanks for giving me so much help and putting up with me. I know I have a tendency to ask a lot of stuff on the forum. But know I do look a little into it first and that I'm not justing shooting things out of my mind lol. I'll cut back a bit though. Try and ask things that are more "valuable" if ya catch my meaning lads. Anyway, Do you think that awesome link you guys sent me earlier for the surcotte has one for the waist length tunic?

Sir Douglas:

--- Quote from: Sir Aiden on 2013-11-24, 02:17:58 ---Why not have both :)

--- End quote ---

Yes. This is the correct answer to all of your decision questions from this point forward. ;)

If you're talking about the La Cotte Simple pattern, the hemline length is to taste. There's no set measurement on it, so you can make it as long or as short as you want it.
I don't know how much sewing experience you have, but if you are unsure about making it, I personally would recommend making a mockup out of a cheap fabric like muslin before cutting up your more expensive material. Then you can see if you need to add/remove material, or modify the pattern. You can always cut away excess material if you have too much, but it's a bit more difficult to add material if you don't have enough.


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