Miscellaneous > The Market Square

For Sale: XIV ct. Arms.


Jolly Knight:
Good day everyone!
For sale:
Ready to ship arms defense, for a guy with a height about 175-185cm.

-Heat treaded spring steel 1.mm(about 18G)

Location: Ukraine.

Price $300 shipped.

Here is the arms http://jollyknight.com.ua/armoury/product_info.php?cPath=21_29&products_id=123

Wow, that's a great price for a great set of arms!

Sir Matthew:
Wow. I sooooooo want those. Why am I poor and don't have armor money right now? Oh, yeah, 6 months without overtime and it's the end of Renfaire season. Damnit!

Anyone interested in 14th century kit should really consider these. Heat treated spring steel at that price is not something you run in to every day.


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