Main > The Armoury

A&A Glaive

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Sir Edward:
I've been wanting a Glaive for ages... at least as far back as College, but probably since High school. But I never really bothered to seriously look into it, and didn't prod the guys over at A&A enough to get the ball rolling.

The wait will soon be over! I just commissioned one from A&A. It'll be like this one but without the cross-guard. I don't know what the delivery time will be like. But I figured I've waited so many years... if I don't place the order, it'll never happen. :)

Sir Griff:
It's beautiful Edward. I hope you'll use it well. How much did it take you back? And are these things blunt?

Congratulations by the way.

Sir Edward:

No, it won't be a training blunt. A little over $500, which is what I expected. Their Knightly Poleaxe is similar in price.

Sir Wolf:
i know that one pictured. it was made for Gordon who used to be in Lord Greys (he's on myarmoury sometimes) its a nice piece. its a super nice glaive but the blade isn't as long as i thought it would be. but it is a nice period piece. good choice!! :) can't wait to kill someone er something with it

Das Bill:
Awesome, Ed! I've always loved that one. I believe I've handled Gordon's before (it was a few years ago, so I'm not totally sure). So, did this order come about because we were talking about how now's the time to go custom, while the economy's down and the wait lists will be shorter? :)


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