Main > The Armoury

Where to begin? New Kit in the working..

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Start with a plan and good arming garments.  As Sir Ed described, your envisioned kit is not from the 13th century.  So decide which century you're really after, or decide to do a fantasy kit.  Either way, once you decide what type of armor you want to wear, before you purchase a single piece of it, I highly recommend squaring away the arming garments first.  With bad arming garments you can have the nicest most expensive custom made harness on the planet and it will not function or be comfortable.

If you're interested in trying to be historically accurate, please ask and we will guide you properly.  You may be surprised what really belongs with what from a historical standpoint.   If you want to go fantasy, then the sky's the limit.

Sir Jason Simonds:
I am definitely trying to stay away from Fantasy as much as possible. I am going for more period correct. That being said, thou we may not have proof, various combinations of armor were more than likely worn due to costs for the lower knights. So I am not looking to go full set of plate armor or full matching kits at this time due to the same issue. But I am looking at the more than likely this would have been worn style kits.

As stated before I want to start with the Great Helm and work from there. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


--- Quote from: Sir Jason on 2013-10-23, 14:58:57 ---I am definitely trying to stay away from Fantasy as much as possible. I am going for more period correct. That being said, thou we may not have proof, various combinations of armor were more than likely worn due to costs for the lower knights. So I am not looking to go full set of plate armor or full matching kits at this time due to the same issue. But I am looking at the more than likely this would have been worn style kits.

As stated before I want to start with the Great Helm and work from there. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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What style of great helm?  That will determine era and pretty much everything else if you want to build it around a particular helm you have in mind.  Just be forewarned, if you're interested in historically accurate kit, going down the 'this might have been worn together' path is very dangerous and is not really a valid way of doing something with accuracy.  In period, there's really no such thing as the elusive 'poor knight' or 'not so wealthy knight.'   If you were a knight in period, you were rich by modern standards.  If you want to do a yeoman man-at-arms kit, then you can maybe put together a more piecemeal kit.  That's all fine, but if you want to stick to something that is historically correct, then you may find combinations of things you envision are not combinations of things that can be justified as historical.  I'm an accuracy nut when it comes to my own kit, and I will not blow smoke up anyone's *@! when it comes to trying to do things the historical way.  I'll tell it like it is to the best of my knowledge.  All that being said, having a historically accurate kit with as little concession to inaccuracy as possible is a very rewarding path to go down.  You just have to be prepared for the work involved.

Sir Brian:
--- Quote from: Ian on 2013-10-23, 17:24:19 ---All that being said, having a historically accurate kit with as little concession to inaccuracy as possible is a very rewarding path to go down.  You just have to be prepared for the work involved.
--- End quote ---
And the time and expense as well which can be prohibitive in of itself. Yet Sir Ian is absolutely correct in that if you want to be as historically accurate as possible then it would take less time and resources if you select a more specific timeline. Even a landless 'household knight' would be far better equipped than a man-at-arms as it would be fitting his noble stature since he would essentially be a token of his liege's greatness by living off his bounty.

Sir Jason Simonds:
I think I am going to do a bit more research so I can pinpoint a timeline or 2, that can easily work together by modifying a couple items.

Right now I am looking at a similar style of Great helm as to what Sir Ed and Sir Brian wear.


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