Main > The Round Table

Heraldry Game


Hi, Found this online from another Chivalry site.

It is a nice way to introduce a person, child or not to heraldry.

They do make a few mistakes on color or at least I think they did. But you can be the judge.


Sir Edward:

I didn't see any feedback about whether the selected answers were correct or not. Unless I just missed it.

But there were good answers available for each question. It looked like there was always a correct one in the list.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-10-15, 13:08:28 ---I didn't see any feedback about whether the selected answers were correct or not. Unless I just missed it.

But there were good answers available for each question. It looked like there was always a correct one in the list.

--- End quote ---

I had the same thing. The birds and rose threw me, but I had a 50/50 and got it right. I noticed no score at the end either. I went back and checked... there's a "wrong.htm" page for when you guess wrong. If you didn't see the page, you didn't guess wrong. :)

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-10-15, 18:42:04 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-10-15, 13:08:28 ---I didn't see any feedback about whether the selected answers were correct or not. Unless I just missed it.

But there were good answers available for each question. It looked like there was always a correct one in the list.

--- End quote ---

I had the same thing. The birds and rose threw me, but I had a 50/50 and got it right. I noticed no score at the end either. I went back and checked... there's a "wrong.htm" page for when you guess wrong. If you didn't see the page, you didn't guess wrong. :)

--- End quote ---

Ahhh, that explains it. Since I didn't see any scoring, right or wrong or whatever at all, I wondered if it was doing any.


It seems that if your answers are right you keep moving forward. I never saw any indication that any of my answers were wrong.  If I remember they used OR (gold/yellow) when the color was really  silver/white and should have been called Argent. Nice little into.



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