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Heraldic Design

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There are at least two heraldry groups on FB. Heraldry Society and International Heraldry Society. Both have helped me in my design.


Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Don Jorge on 2014-03-07, 18:59:43 ---
I like the key I just wish the program let me change it so it was horizontal instead of vertical...also probably need to adjust it so the shaft of the key is in the middle rather than the picture itself (it is at 50% but the program puts the whole picture in the middle rather than the shaft of the key).

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It does let you change all of those things. To rotate horizontal, edit the "rotate" field to have a 90 or 270. To shift it left or right, change the "Horizontal" and "Vertical" values.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: scott2978 on 2014-03-07, 21:31:34 ---Don't know how much it matters to you guys, but most of what passes for heraldry these days, including the descriptions of the various elements, are not medieval but 16th - 18th century meanings. Heraldry was not an exact science in the middle ages, and there was pretty much no regulation of it for nearly the entire medieval period. Until some time in the 14th century the most common way of acquiring arms was simply to invent them for yourself. It wasn't until 1415 that any official organization existed to regulate them and settle disputes. So if you portay a knight from before then, they sky's really the limit, within reason, and what we know about trends of heraldic design throughout history.

--- End quote ---

Yes, this is a good reminder. This is partly why we don't enforce any of it, in terms of arms used in the Order. But I try to encourage people to work within the rules, in case it matters to them, or they want to also register their arms with the SCA or another organization.

Aiden of Oreland:
Can't forget that if your heraldry looks to much like another SCA member in the same group as you, it is invalid.

Don Jorge:
So my designs were turned down as someone already has picked out green field and chevron division in or and 2 charges above and 1 I worked with an SCA herald and came up with this. It is a Cant on my name as Costa also is the root word for Costilla...rib...I think it will look fierce in the battlefield and on a jupon!


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