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Heraldry change

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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Jason on 2013-10-10, 01:12:48 ---I agree that its probably a distortion, but its just irritating the work that I put in to fix it for nothing.

--- End quote ---

Save it as a PNG file or BMP file instead of JPEG / JPG and it should take care of that. PNG will be a smaller file size and is a more modern format.

Sir Edward:

The "Knight Pages" also automatically resize the image. If you upload a small image, it'll stretch it.

Sir Jason Simonds:
I took the original image and saved it in multiple formats and resaved and whatnot, but no change so I am just going to have to deal with it for now til I redo the whole thing. The image size is fine so not a stretching issue.

Sir Jason Simonds:
OK, here we go!

I have put together my Blazon, but I am not 100% sure that it is acurate.

Per bend sinister gules and argent, on a bend sinister sable between a stag trippant argent fimbriated sable and a battle axe bendwise sinister gules and argent fimbriated sable, three trefoils or.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Jason on 2013-10-12, 11:54:07 ---Per bend sinister gules and argent, on a bend sinister sable between a stag trippant argent fimbriated sable and a battle axe bendwise sinister gules and argent fimbriated sable, three trefoils or.

--- End quote ---

Sounds good to me.


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