Main > The Round Table

Heraldry change

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Sir Douglas:
At the risk of sounding repetitive....I also like it!

The distortion is probably just some kind of .jpeg or compression artifacts or something like that. But the design itself is killer, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. ;)

Sir Jason Simonds:
@ Sir Wolf,
I am actually in the process of making one myself. As you can see by the image on my page.
But first i need to design a stencil for the head and antlers so I can cut them out of the fabric.
I agree that its probably a distortion, but its just irritating the work that I put in to fix it for nothing.

Sir Wolf:
can u hook your computer/laptop whatever up to your tv? if so hook it up and bring your image up on the screen. re-size the image that you want and then put a paper on the tv screen and trace it!

Sir Jason Simonds:
Actually I just did that using my computer monitor.  :)

Sir Wolf:
awesome lol

now hurry up or BAN! lol


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