Main > The Armoury



Sir Edward:

I'm still itching, after all these years, to get my hands on some hurlbats. I know Museum Replicas used to carry some, and I never got around to ordering any before they were discontinued. I'm not aware of any other sources in the US, and they never seem to show up on ebay.

If you don't know what they are, they're a medieval throwing axe with one-piece construction and sharpened edges on all sides. Here's a blog entry talking about them: (that article has some links to a source, but the website appears to no longer exist).

Didn't "Cold Steel" offer those at one time Sir Edward?

Sir Edward:

Not that I'm aware of, but then I've only been aware of Cold Steel for a few years. They sell tomahawks, but that's not exactly the same thing.


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