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Knight's Page Question

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Not sure this is the place to ask but can someone tell me how you set up you Knights page with all the COA of the order?
I would like to create a similar page for the arms of my ancestors.



Tim, there are two entities at work here.  We have the Modern Chivalry forums themselves, and then the Order of the Marshal.  The Order of the Marshal is a separate entity that's home exists here on the forums, but is a different organization.  What you're seeing on the Knight Pages and Roll of Arms and all that stuff is directly associated with the Order of the Marshal, so those things are only open to Order members.  The Order is a modern Order of Chivalry, and we do things as an organization in real life, like Armored Fighting Demonstrations and Longsword Demonstrations, often for charity.  If you're interested in the Order itself, here's some background information:


Unless you're referring specifically to this:

which I think may be open to everyone

Hello Sir Ian,

Thanks for the response. No I understand the Knights page is for members of the Order. I should have said I wanted to create a similar page for the arms of my ancestors for my own use elsewhere and wondered how that page was created.

Again Thanks


Ah, well then I would point you towards Sirs Ed and James, as they are our resident web programming gurus.

Sir Edward:

The "roll of arms" page is generated off of a database of our member info. It's a PHP script. But of course the easiest thing is to create something directly in static HTML. Most people will use a program to do this, such as Dreamweaver, but there are cheaper (and probably some free) options out there. I edit everything by hand when I make this sort of stuff, but there's a learning curve to doing things that way.

And yes, the "knight pages" section of the forum is open to everyone.


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