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Heraldry question.

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Sir Vander Linde:
Hmmm not quite sure it is annulet but I suppose it could be a variant of it, I have seen a variant of annulet that was comprised of three fish.

yeah, the symbol is quite confusing but I did find a chart more or less that shows it in better detail I suppose, as to the one in question, vs the one in that rendering of that Grand masters.

plain version, just the symbol

and the chart

Thanks for the responses, Sirs, I'll look into that possibility of it being a annulet variant a bit more. However you can see in the new links that it isn't quite round or ring shaped. but who knows.

Sir Douglas:
Ah, I see now. Yeah, I don't think that's an annulet. I don't really know what that is; I looked through all of my heraldry books and did a quick online search and couldn't even find anything close. Yet it looks oddly familiar.

Sir Nate:
If most of us recognize yet can't put our finger on it, how come we can figure this out.

Have you tried your local SCA Herald?

Sir Edward:
It could be some sort of trefoil variant as well. Just not sure. My google-fu is weak on this one.

Or maybe it's an early variant of the Radiation or Biohazard symbols... lol.


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