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[video] Inspiration: Down-Syndrome MMA Fighter refuses to Lose to his condition!

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Sir Edward:
This young man has a warrior spirit:

Sir William:
Initially, I thought this was just wrong...but why shouldn't he be able to follow his dream?

Lord Dane:
Everybody finds their calling in life & need to follow it. What good is life where you cannot live up to your potential and be allowed be succeed despite perceived limitations. I say HUZZAH!! Kick some ars, kid!!!!

Sir James A:
Man, that made me cry. I hope he keeps doing what he's doing.

It's inspirational, but at the same time it puts people in some very awkward positions.  They touched on it a little in the video.  At the end of the day, his opponent is a person without disability beating up a person with disability.  Do you take it easy on him?  Do you go all out against him?  As the opponent you're kind of damned if you do, damned if you don't.  If you beat him, you just beat up a person with Downs.  If you lose, well... the reality is you just lost to a person with Downs.

I don't know what the right answer is.  Part of me is very inspired that he found purpose and a way to truly find purpose in his life, but part of me also sees the difficulty and the problems anyone who fights him faces as well.


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