Miscellaneous > The Market Square

Albions in stock on KoA

<< < (6/10) > >>

I'm assuming when he does check his messages they'll be about 30 people lined up to buy that sword since it's such a good deal.

Sir William:
You might be right...been a few Knights passing thru those boards of late.  Pun intended.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-06-05, 12:57:53 ---
--- Quote from: Ian on 2013-06-04, 21:16:59 ---That seller still hasn't checked his messages from 5 days ago, so I'm not holding my breath anymore.

--- End quote ---

How odd. You'd think the person would actually be interested in selling it. :) This would be strange, but I suppose it's possible they posted the message about it and then went away on a trip or something.

--- End quote ---

"Honey, you have too many swords. You need to sell some."

"Oh, I'm trying, I put up a post online with some for sale. Did any packages come for me today?"
(while thinking 'if I just don't read my messages.....')

Sir William:
Heh!  Hadn't thought of that.  The price seemed way low to me.

That guy still hasn't logged in and checked his messages.


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