Main > The Armoury

Some new acquisitions

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Sir William:
Yea?  Huh.  To think I had a pair but sold them.  Like an idiot it would seem as they'd come right in handy.  I'll see if I can't talk him into doing me up a set.  Wouldn't need it til August anyway.

You think I should go blued over the regular satin finish?  I only ask because all of the plate bits that you can see are satin.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-05-28, 16:05:48 ---You think I should go blued over the regular satin finish?  I only ask because all of the plate bits that you can see are satin.

--- End quote ---

The knee and elbow cops are satin, but the limbs are blue leather, so I'd match up with blued steel for that.

Sir William:
Cool, just wanted to be sure I'd read that right.

Sir Brian:
Awesome acquisitions! I'm really anxious to see the whole harness together! :)

Sir William:
As am I...just got word from Allan that they've shipped- I went ahead and got a pair in satin finish for a more simplified kit that I'm putting together.


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