Main > The Armoury

New Great Helm

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Sir Ulrich:
Guess I will pass up on crests then. I don't want to drill holes in my helm or anything the original probably didn't have a crest attached to it. It looks intimidating enough without one, I was just thinking the wings or horns attached would look cool but apparently I just read that only the leaders of the Teutonic knights had crests on their helms. Of course the Velcro option might be better than bolts, if I ever want to do it later on.

Sir William:
I just ordered a couple rolls of velcro, let you know how it comes out.  Well, as soon as the torse and mantle are done and I get my helm back, that is.

Sir James A:
Ulrich, if you want to do an animal of some kind, have a look at Knightly Arts. I have a couple pics of my crest and a link to his site from mine:

B. Patricius:
Sir James,

THAT is a beautiful helm crest sir!

Sir William:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-05-22, 20:55:32 ---Ulrich, if you want to do an animal of some kind, have a look at Knightly Arts. I have a couple pics of my crest and a link to his site from mine:

--- End quote ---

If that's Jeremy O'Neail, I'd make very sure that you get a firm timetable and you stay with him; mine got lost in the shuffle for a period of months before he finally made contact w/me.  But I can't knock his work, he does some good stuff there.


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