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New Great Helm

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Sir Ulrich:
I bit the bullet and got myself a good quality great helm by Royal Oak Armory. I got it antiqued as well as lined.

It may look a bit big on my head, but it fits really snugly above my coif and arming cap, in fact it fits better than any of my other helms less claustrophobic than any other helms I tried on. The vision isnt too bad, just have trouble seeing above and below me but other than that I think I could be fine with it. I got to admit I probably will buy another helm off of him, probably a kettle helm but not anytime soon unfortunately as I'm saving for my trip to Iceland. I DO plan to gear up and wear all of my gear once I get my maille hauberk back from tailoring, then I will be taking photos. Ironically the helm it's based off of is also from the same part of Germany my German ancestors are from.

Looks great Sir Ulrich.  I'm confident now that you've gone ahead and got a good high-quality helm that you now see how much better it is than getting lesser helms you're not really happy with.

--- Quote from: Sir Ulrich on 2013-05-20, 18:19:00 --- Ironically the helm it's based off of is also from the same part of Germany my German ancestors are from.

--- End quote ---

That's a pretty cool tie in for your kit.  It would make a great talking about at DoK 2 for the public.

B. Patricius:
Sir Ulrich,

great looking helmet there bud!

I just liked this on facebook too, didn't know it was you!  I'll send you a friend request.  I've been drooling over their Lough Henney helm for some time now

Sir William:
You got the Dargen- excellent acquisition; I had no idea it was so big!

Sir Ulrich:
Thanks guys, yeah I think I might stop buying cheapie stuff now, glad I didnt get that GDFB brain bucket which honestly wouldnt look THIS good on me. Would of just ended up sold or on the shelf collecting dust due to being too heavy.

Thats mostly because I got a big head and wear a thick arming cap, thats why it looks big on me also cause I dont have my full kit on. It does feel heavy on my neck so I guess I have to do neck exercises to get used to it, oddly my kettle helm is heavier and I dont seem to have this problem.

One of the ties broke for like no reason though I mailed Jeffery about it and he said he'll send a few spares, I WOULD of fixed it myself but it's glued to the copper pretty well so I guess it broke from being brittle from the glue. Maybe I should tie them on the inside so they dont flap around on the outside?


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