Main > The Round Table

ads and pornos?

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Sir Wolf:
why is there a spammer on here?

Is that what that is? I thought it was just some idiot lacking in good taste or sense.....

Das Bill:
The board seems to be getting hit by a lot of spammers (or maybe just one posting under different names), and I've tried to delete the posts as soon as I can. Ed gave me moderating abilities here once while he was away just in case, but I don't have the ability to ban users. I've let Ed know of the problem, though.

Sir Edward:
Thanks for stepping in and deleting the messages. I've banned all the new users that appeared overnight (4 I think), and upgraded the forum software. Apparently there was a security vulnerability that was found and fixed this week.

I don't know if you have the privs to ban users, I'll have to check. But if you view a user's profile, there's a ban button in the menu on the left side.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2008-11-11, 14:08:42 ---I've banned all the new users that appeared overnight (4 I think)

--- End quote ---

Actually, the total was 6. I nailed them all now.


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