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Knights and Freemasonry

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B. Patricius:
Ya beat me to it Sir Wolf!  ;D  I loved it when Sean Connery was actually on SNL and they did that skit, I was in stitches!  My favorite skit though, has to be the Blues Brothers, I can't help it.

Back to the subject at hand,
Corvus, out of the "documentaries" I have watched, this one probably does the best at "Templar Knights in a Nutshell"  ;D

I'll see what else I can find too

beyond that, I'm ashamed at what counts as a documentary these days... out of everything I've watched, that was the only one to state everything, not just the given facts, but in an unbiased and objective sort of way.  Everything else just goes crazy, and the responses by people in the comments are all just full of hate.

Sir Wolf:
lol if they were so rich, why they wear such crappy costumes and armour? lol

B. Patricius:
 ;D lol especially if they were anything like in that documentary.  Man oh man, I was cringing every time they went to those live action sequences!

beyond that, please remember, a Templar Knight = sworn to poverty, the Templar Order = not so much  ;D - in the best Craig Ferguson voice

I will have a look at that, Brother Patricius.

Oh yeah, and I love the Blues Brothers too. Blues music in general - a fantastic genre of music.

Indeed, I just heard that there was some Templar group or other, naturally claiming that they are the real knights Templar - who are apparently using the international courts to try to re-acquire certain lands in Jerusalem, claimed by the Knights back in the day.

B. Patricius:
I had also heard that there's a group attempting to sue the church for wrong-doings and wishing their money back  ::) I find the comments about it over on the ArmourArchive particularly refreshing!  ;D

I'm sorry... just a Holy Order that served the Church, that took vows of poverty... how can any person vie for their "lost money and land"  :o


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