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Good inspirational movies

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Sir Douglas:
I've never even seen Braveheart aside from a few short scenes here and there. I just have no desire to watch it. I probably should at least once just so I can say I saw it, but I jut don't think I could sit through it.

Kingdom of Heaven, on the other hand, I liked as a movie, and the costumes were [with a few notable exceptions] more or less period and rather nice-looking for a Hollywood production (meaning not overly fantasized). As a historical reference...not so much, but as an entertaining movie, yes. I think it's enjoyable, as long as you know fact from fiction. Unfortunately, a lot of people don't, nor do they care to look into it any deeper than what's on the screen.

How they portray the Templars is probably my biggest beef. These days, it seems like it's "cool" to portray the Templars as bad guys (see also: Assassin's Creed). Then again, considering how the Order ended, I guess it was cool to pick on them back then, too. It really is a shame.

Between Kingdom of Heaven and Arn: The Knight Templar, I'd have to say I like Arn more. To me, it was just a better storyline; it wasn't your typical Hollywoodized "Attractive hero rides off into the sunset with attractive leading lady ad they live happily ever after". I found that Arn's ending left me more satisfied with the story than KoH, but maybe that's just me. I'm sure a lot of people don't feel the same way about it.

B. Patricius:
I've only seen bits and pieces of Arn personally, and man oh man do I love what I've seen.  I can't wait to find it to purchase lol.  And yes, yes I have Arn's sword on my dream wishlist of movie memorabilia.

I think personally the Templars are picked on because they're an easy target.  Just imagine someone slandering the Knights Hospitaller... yeah good luck with that one.  They're still around, and going strong, so they have the funds, connections, and ability to sue outright anyone.  The Templars to me, are the ones that in chivalry, I've sworn to defend as they are helpless.  All we can do is try to change opinion, and if not, at least point in the proper direction.  For example, "The New Knighthood" by Malcolm Barber is an excellent example to direct people too.  Amazing read.

As to Kingdom of Heaven, surprise surprise, we have WETA workshop to thank for those amazing kits of garb.  My only complaint, and really it's just my personal preference and it's more accurate is if the Templars and Hospitallers wore long sleeved habits instead of surcoats.  I love that look.  But it also would run the beauty that is all that mail!  8)  Sometimes I watch that movie just to keep inspired as I work on my own riveted hauberk.

Sir Douglas:

--- Quote from: B. Patricius on 2013-08-24, 03:10:32 ---I've only seen bits and pieces of Arn personally, and man oh man do I love what I've seen.  I can't wait to find it to purchase lol.  And yes, yes I have Arn's sword on my dream wishlist of movie memorabilia.

I think personally the Templars are picked on because they're an easy target.  Just imagine someone slandering the Knights Hospitaller... yeah good luck with that one.  They're still around, and going strong, so they have the funds, connections, and ability to sue outright anyone.  The Templars to me, are the ones that in chivalry, I've sworn to defend as they are helpless.  All we can do is try to change opinion, and if not, at least point in the proper direction.  For example, "The New Knighthood" by Malcolm Barber is an excellent example to direct people too.  Amazing read.

--- End quote ---

If you can find it, get the complete version of Arn. The cut-down international version is pretty phenomenal by itself, but the entire thing fills in so many holes that the international cut left out.

That's a good point about the Templars. It's just like slandering a dead man—they aren't around to defend themselves. You can say whatever you want and people will believe it because they don't want to look into it for themselves.

But back to movies before I get too off topic. ;D

There are still two movies that I'd particularly like to see that are a little more difficult to find. The War Lord with Charlton Heston and 2007's Mongol. I don't expect The War Lord to be terribly accurate considering it's a 1960s movie, but it looks interesting. I heard Mongol was pretty okay, but don't know much about it other than that it exists.

And for the record, I have seen The Conqueror with John Wayne. Let's just say that the Duke as Genghis Khan....yeah, no. :P

Sir Nate:
There are things in kingdom of heaven that make me mad. Especially the Templars!
1. would never be hanged in public
2. Reynald of chattilon was not a templar. Although he was wicked.
3. Tiberius tho he was awesome, was made up completely.

B. Patricius:

--- Quote from: DouglasTheYounger on 2013-08-24, 03:30:46 ---
--- Quote from: B. Patricius on 2013-08-24, 03:10:32 ---I've only seen bits and pieces of Arn personally, and man oh man do I love what I've seen.  I can't wait to find it to purchase lol.  And yes, yes I have Arn's sword on my dream wishlist of movie memorabilia.

I think personally the Templars are picked on because they're an easy target.  Just imagine someone slandering the Knights Hospitaller... yeah good luck with that one.  They're still around, and going strong, so they have the funds, connections, and ability to sue outright anyone.  The Templars to me, are the ones that in chivalry, I've sworn to defend as they are helpless.  All we can do is try to change opinion, and if not, at least point in the proper direction.  For example, "The New Knighthood" by Malcolm Barber is an excellent example to direct people too.  Amazing read.

--- End quote ---

If you can find it, get the complete version of Arn. The cut-down international version is pretty phenomenal by itself, but the entire thing fills in so many holes that the international cut left out.

That's a good point about the Templars. It's just like slandering a dead man—they aren't around to defend themselves. You can say whatever you want and people will believe it because they don't want to look into it for themselves.

But back to movies before I get too off topic. ;D

There are still two movies that I'd particularly like to see that are a little more difficult to find. The War Lord with Charlton Heston and 2007's Mongol. I don't expect The War Lord to be terribly accurate considering it's a 1960s movie, but it looks interesting. I heard Mongol was pretty okay, but don't know much about it other than that it exists.

And for the record, I have seen The Conqueror with John Wayne. Let's just say that the Duke as Genghis Khan....yeah, no. :P

--- End quote ---

Yeah, that's one movie I am glad I didn't watch with the Duke in it lol I'm an avid western fan, and I sincerely believe that western, and modern war drama, is where the Duke belongs lol.

I've heard so much about the international vs the complete version that yep.  That's why I don't own it yet.  I always am a sucker and end up buying the "director's cut/10 minutes extra plus 4 hours of bonus" anyway, so when it comes to Arn.  I'm definitely thinking patience is a virtue and I'll get it when I can.

I'd like to add another movie to the list.  Another, completely historically inaccurate but what the heck it's a good flick I think!

the armor... yeah, it's atrocious lol
the acting... yeah, it's bad too
the script... predictable
but man is it a fun movie to watch! :D


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