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Appropriate Helm for cerca 1100-1187 Templar

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Some of you gentlemen know my kit. After Sir Brian's demonstration this past weekend wherein he easily buffeted me about the head and neck with a waster, I have concluded that I need more protective head gear.... I have my heart set on this one:

Any historical objections? Or better ideas?


Sir Brian:
That is a good choice and it is certainly heavy enough gauge steel. :)

Sir Wolf:
that is a great helmet and i have been looking at it myself. but it's not in your time frame. it's slightly off from the mac bible version and thats about 1250s to later. if you remember my helmet from the weekend was set at 1210 and it had no back plate to it. so you may have to fudge your time later or just wear something for safety and forget the time frame.  or...... get a helm sorta like mine, and have someone add a "hidden" back plate by maile

B. Patricius:
I have to agree with Sir Wolf.  One of the best ways to have an earlier period helmet but with the needed protection is having the back covered with mail or leather.  I myself, am doing a late 12th early 13th century kit as well.  Basically Third Crusade or right thereafter. 

here's one extant example and some inspiration.  Also Sir Wolf's recently painted helmet is definitely a good one. 
(1200-1215) Shrine of Charlemagne

here's another idea where the guy covered it with leather scales, kinda cool

It seems the Phrygian helm can be dated a bit earlier than the others, but as far as I've personally found, I'm using that as heresay. 

As a note though, that's just because I haven't been able to research that particular helm that much, all I've found are tertiary examples and people on forums saying it's earlier.  Usually those people can be correct, but I like finding that out for myself.  Also, I'm concerned if the flutes would be construed as "excessive" in light of what the Templars believed and carried.  If it is capable of being used within a Templar kit, than realistically that's the helm I'm going to go with.

Hope this helps!  I'm making a Knights Templar kit, and a secular early 13th century kit as well.  My pinterest has a lot on there now.  I'm using it as my inspiration database.  It isn't just Crusades era, but there's a ton there that is.  It'll be cool to see what you come up with.

Sir Ulrich:
I actually have one of those topfhelms with the "muzzle" of sorts. I think it's period for the third crusade era. I think a good solution would be you could get one of those types of helms and wear a THICK padded arming cap covered with maille. Sure it wont be as protective as plate but I have fought with my friend in mine and it worked pretty well, of course if you have a big enough coif you could always add a plate of boiled leather to the back UNDER the coif which would protect rather well and since it's under the maille no one would ever notice.


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