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Custom re-enactment sword commission

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Sir Edward:

I think most of the evidence we have is that the J/K type "disc" or "wheel" pommels didn't start appearing until the mid-13th Century, though we have to remember, that's based on extant surviving pieces (and artwork), so it doesn't necessarily preclude them from having been invented sooner.

The safest bet is of course the ones we know existed at the time, such as the "brazil nut" pommels, and some of the more angular/lozenge shaped ones like the type "F" (though I think those are more rare).

B. Patricius:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-05-08, 01:43:50 ---
I think most of the evidence we have is that the J/K type "disc" or "wheel" pommels didn't start appearing until the mid-13th Century, though we have to remember, that's based on extant surviving pieces (and artwork), so it doesn't necessarily preclude them from having been invented sooner.

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Thanks Sir Edward.  That was kind of what I was thinking too.  I'm going to do a TON of research on the pommel before I give him the final "ok" on the pommel choice.

Thanks everyone again!

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2013-05-08, 00:27:50 ---
--- Quote from: B. Patricius on 2013-05-08, 00:23:26 ---...and he's excited about my project because it's a historical piece. 

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This is huge.  A craftsman who's genuinely excited to work on a custom project is a craftsman you want doing your custom project.  Some makers get tired out and aren't that enthusiastic and it comes through in their work.  A guy who's stoked to do a custom project (especially if you let them utilize their artistic creativity within the bounds of your guidelines) then I suspect you'll end up with something you'll love for a lifetime.

--- End quote ---

^ this, very much this. Also the fact that he's local - that makes it a whole lot easier if something did go south and you had to take him to small claims court or get reimbursement. It's not like dealing with Europe or China. I'm still working on getting back $200 I was screwed out of by an order from China back in November, which looks nearly hopeless.

B. Patricius:
That is very true also Sir James.  Excellent point if the project does go south.  We'll see, since now after talking with everyone here, I'm pretty close to sold on letting Mr. Blackmore have a crack at it. His craftsmanship shown looks excellent, there's another pic of a flamberged great sword balancing on a stake.  I just wish I could find it again to show you all, definitely counts as Medieval Pron in my book!  I'm looking forward to letting him have a go at it now.  Again, thank you all for your help.


yeah, it's purdy

Sir Edward:

Excellent. I can't wait to see some progress pics!


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