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Amazon Maille

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Sir Matthew:
Anyone know anything about this Maille A freind of mine asked me about it, he's thinking of picking it up as cheap startere Maille. I'm a bit leary because of the price and it coming off Amazon. Thought I would check here to see what consesus was.

B. Patricius:
I'd avoid it like the plague personally.  But then again, I'm crazy and making my own.  It definitely looks to be galvanized at least in the picture, if that even is the maille being shipped in the picture... and on that note, it's mighty hard to have galvanized riveted maille, meaning it's butted. 

My first impression was a cringe as soon as I saw "SCA" and the other keywords in the top and then: "Although this medieval merchandise would make a great piece for your medieval armor collection, this is strictly for decoration only!" as a disclaimer basically.

My personal opinion, I enjoy making maille, be it riveted or butted.  Right now I'm doing some in butted just because I have the resources easily accessible.  It doesn't take "too long" but again that's all in the eye of the beholder/purchaser.  The journey for me is far more gratifying than just purchasing stuff from vendors online.

B. Patricius

Sir James A:
I'd avoid it just based on what it did to that guy's face, from putting the mail on.

It's not a terrible price, though certainly butted, but if you have the patience to tailor it, it shouldn't be too bad.

B. Patricius:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-05-07, 03:51:37 ---I'd avoid it just based on what it did to that guy's face, from putting the mail on.

It's not a terrible price, though certainly butted, but if you have the patience to tailor it, it shouldn't be too bad.

--- End quote ---

LOL about the face  ;D

I hate tailoring mail, it drives me bonkers personally.  So I just go from scratch, but that is just me.  I'm not crazy though, contrary to popular opinion about my mailwork, my mom had me tested  ;)

Sir Edward:

I was going to ask if the $70 price tag includes the creepy smiley face. :)


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