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More Knights unearthed

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Yet more knights unearthed in this recent article.

I wonder though about the indignity of having lived a noble life, being laid respectfully to rest - only to eventually end up under something so mundane as a parking lot...

Sir Wolf:
hammerjacks is now a parking lot... lol

Sir James A:
One of the reader comments:

--- Quote ---Before it was a Parking Lot. It was a Camelot.
--- End quote ---

Haha! On a serious note,

--- Quote from: Corvus on 2013-04-29, 20:59:16 ---I wonder though about the indignity of having lived a noble life, being laid respectfully to rest - only to eventually end up under something so mundane as a parking lot...

--- End quote ---

The important thing is having lived that noble and dignified life. Once you've moved on, the rest is irrelevant - a true legacy lives on in the lives of your children, the stories of your life, and the impact you had upon others. Bones are simply bones. I personally want to be cremated; as I heard someone say before, "I don't want my decomposing body sitting in a box underground, marked with a stone, and a site where my loves ones will feel guilty for not visiting enough." Scatter me to the winds, the mountains, and the sea - my ashes are not my essence and are no longer bound to one another after death.

Sir Brian:
Well yeah that and having a good publicist!  :)
For example:
William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke = Had an excellent publicist.
King Richard Plantagenet III = Not so much.  ;)

Lord Dane:
Same here for me. I don't need any moratorium or special processions to celebrate my life or honor my death. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust... Just some kind words and blessings from those sincere in their sentiments. Torch me and scatter me to the wind or put me in the ground. Allow our Lord to judge how much I merited a celebratory life or honored existence.

"For his sacrifice was made for the betterment of us all and reminds us to reflect upon our mortality. Those who believe in the good word of God and follow in his hallowed example are deserving of his blessings... and shall be rewarded by his good graces in life and death. A man of faith is one of good conscience, who seeks to enlighten his mind, follow his heart, and act with selflessness in service to all, and defying the innate wickedness that corrupts our humanity."


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