Main > The Armoury

anyone seen this link

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Sir Wolf:
nope says that link is no good either :(

Sir Wolf, I think your computer just defends against the French, because I can get through the link just fine.  You must have a fine English computer.  I will have to discipline mine accordingly for allowing the French so easily through to my display.

B. Patricius:

any luck with just their main page? they appear to have frames, so maybe that's one of the problems? The good link is the one labeled "XIIIème Siècle." I dunno, I'm such a noob at webpage stuff.  It's starting to act weird for me too, with an "internal error" code popping up every now and again, so I dunno. 
here's a pic from their site,

the worst part is the pictures are great, but their research (even with Google Chrome translating) is worth far more.  They have a great bibliography section, with TONs of primary sources! rrrr
it isn't just armour either, they have embroidery, illuminations, calligraphy, leatherworking and forging with period tools, etc etc etc.  It'd be a great resource if it'd bloody work!

*edited because of Ian replying quicker than me -

--- Quote from: Ian on 2013-05-03, 02:09:56 ---Sir Wolf, I think your computer just defends against the French, because I can get through the link just fine.  You must have a fine English computer.  I will have to discipline mine accordingly for allowing the French so easily through to my display.

--- End quote ---


Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2013-05-02, 23:25:05 ---cant get that second link to work

--- End quote ---

It's french. It will constantly run away. ;)

Sir Wolf:
maybe thats it. they keep running away from my awesomeness and it takes to long to catch so my computer doesn't see it.

all i get is a thin yellow line. LOL jk jk

nope still won't load


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