Main > The Round Table

A change of heart under the blessing of forced action.

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Sir Brian:
So you experimented with some shrooms huh? – They were just ok in my day, I preferred Acid to shrooms though since it was a far more intense trip and definitely not recommended when you are already operating under sleep deprivation conditions.

I commend you for standing vigil over your friends. Perhaps if there is a next time you will take it a step further and prevent them from even getting into such a situation, yet we are all ultimately responsible for our own actions.

You are obviously on a journey Sir Omera and have selected a most arduous and unpleasant path to travel, just beware the pitfalls of drugs and alcohol that particular path is wrought with. It is good that you have recognized the test of your steel and even better that it has not been found wanting. Tomorrow is another day and with it is another test, as will be the day after that and so on. Remember everyone falls or gets knocked down yet not all can or will get back up and the things you use or abuse to get you through it may become the beast you must defeat tomorrow and ultimately you will discover that drugs or alcohol really only amplifies what is already there inside of the user.

Sir William:
I wasn't sure if you were serious at first...this read more like a D&D meets TRW (The Real World) mash-up.  With that said, I think most of the concerns I had in reading this have already been addressed by my more upright brethren knights- that is, nothing more need be said on the matter.

However, as one who is well acquainted with the fight for victim's rights in matters of rape and sexual assault I can tell you that you were not as chivalrous as you thought if you allowed those girls to remain in a setting for which they were in danger and you were aware of that danger while they were not...who is to say your pepper spray would've been enough to defend them?  Especially against those who are under the influence of psychotropic drugs, or anything other than their rational minds; I've seen instances where even a taser isn't enough and a real gun with real bullets was the only solution.  I liken your actions to using them as bait to test yourself- nothing to do with chivalry and everything to do with your path to self-discovery, which is something you should try to come to grips with on your own w/out putting anyone else into potential danger just so you can have a revelation.  Here's why I think so:

--- Quote ---My disgusting human filth brute pig of a roomate got me some mushrooms last night- I had a handful of my money's worth and everybody else could only afford baby nibbles.  My roomate was trying to get my friend Paige drunk so his stupid obsessed and psychotic friend can f**k her intoxicated, and expecting me to be unaware and in nowhere land tripping on mushrooms while it happened.
--- End quote ---

You name him a 'filthy pig of a brute' - which he certainly sounds so, but he can't have just become that overnight, you know this man, you live with him so you must have an inkling as to what drives this man.  Knowing what you knew about him- you still went ahead with a plan to 'test your heart' as it were.  Against bad odds- should anything have happened and you were incapacitated, you might have been forced to be an unwilling spectator for what was to ensue.  That was a stupid move, you need to own it.

Sir Omera:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-04-29, 17:10:59 ---I wasn't sure if you were serious at first...this read more like a D&D meets TRW (The Real World) mash-up.  With that said, I think most of the concerns I had in reading this have already been addressed by my more upright brethren knights- that is, nothing more need be said on the matter.

However, as one who is well acquainted with the fight for victim's rights in matters of rape and sexual assault I can tell you that you were not as chivalrous as you thought if you allowed those girls to remain in a setting for which they were in danger and you were aware of that danger while they were not...who is to say your pepper spray would've been enough to defend them?  Especially against those who are under the influence of psychotropic drugs, or anything other than their rational minds; I've seen instances where even a taser isn't enough and a real gun with real bullets was the only solution.  I liken your actions to using them as bait to test yourself- nothing to do with chivalry and everything to do with your path to self-discovery, which is something you should try to come to grips with on your own w/out putting anyone else into potential danger just so you can have a revelation.  Here's why I think so:

--- Quote ---My disgusting human filth brute pig of a roomate got me some mushrooms last night- I had a handful of my money's worth and everybody else could only afford baby nibbles.  My roomate was trying to get my friend Paige drunk so his stupid obsessed and psychotic friend can f**k her intoxicated, and expecting me to be unaware and in nowhere land tripping on mushrooms while it happened.
--- End quote ---

You name him a 'filthy pig of a brute' - which he certainly sounds so, but he can't have just become that overnight, you know this man, you live with him so you must have an inkling as to what drives this man.  Knowing what you knew about him- you still went ahead with a plan to 'test your heart' as it were.  Against bad odds- should anything have happened and you were incapacitated, you might have been forced to be an unwilling spectator for what was to ensue.  That was a stupid move, you need to own it.

--- End quote ---

I didn't know him well before, but it was a big mistake to let him in, its handling itself. I can just get another apartment. I was trying to kick him about but I ditched it when he finally crossed the line.

Omera, it sounds to me like you are indeed on a journey toward clarity of some form. Cleaning up your own act as it were, and distancing yourself from the negative were positive things to be sure. Good for you.

Its sounds to me also, that one of the triggers to your more enlightened way of thinking was the use of mushrooms.
I am not sure which of these helpers you partook of (I will assume psilocybins rather than amanita), but of the sacred plant teachers, mushrooms when taken respectfully, are among the most potent of mentors. It is never wise to use them for mere recreational purposes as I am sure you now see.

I wish you well in your continuing journey.

Sir William:


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