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A change of heart under the blessing of forced action.

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Sir William...

My comments to Omera were intended to be positive - in light of the fact that he seems to have decided to set his former philosophy aside in favor of a more balanced one.

In the path I walk, certain types of plants are seen as sacred teachers, not mere herbal playthings as so many might perceive them to be. Mushrooms in particular can be powerful teachers and I have known more than a few whose life has been changed through their instruction.

Did you know that there are certain groups of historians who have postulated that sacred Soma of the Vedas was actually either Marijuana or Amanita Muscaria mushroom?  Did you also know that there are folk who suggest that Amanita muscaria (fly agaric) mushroom may also have been the inspiration for the holy grail?

Plant teachers have been around far longer than humans have. They have much to teach and in any number of spiritual/cultural beliefs they still have a special place.

I do not advocate the use of entheogens or any other substances for recreational purposes - ever. That in my belief was never their intended use. Reaching for the sacred is however, another matter entirely.

Sir William:
That lore such as the holy grail or the lance are just products of a drug-addled mind?  I won't say that's far-fetched...I've had some really spectacular ideas back in my hey-day when under the influence of MJ, but I can't remember what they were exactly, only that they were stupendous.  Nothing along the lines of such epics like the holy grail, the holy lance or any other holy relic purported to have some form of divine power, but I still have that feeling that they were something else.  With that said, you say this, which I find interesting:

--- Quote ---I do not advocate the use of entheogens or any other substances for recreational purposes - ever. That in my belief was never their intended use. Reaching for the sacred is however, another matter entirely.
--- End quote ---

Unless you have a legitimate business with such substances, it is all recreational, is it not?  Anyone who gets high is essentially doing the same thing- trying to attain something that they cannot on their own, without external aid.

I have heard there are some who exert such a level of control over their physiognomy as to be able to secrete endorphins within the brain simply by concentrating?  That rush is very similar to what one feels when 'in the zone'...although I have not heard of any who experience anything approaching the vivid dreams you speak of.

Sir Omera:
Fermentation in alchemy brings to mind the 'peacock's tail' that alchemists saw on their path, but its a symbol for a vision or great religious experience.

Even fanaticism and esotericism can induce things like visions.

Joshua Santana:
Sir Omera, what you did was honorable and it gives further credence to your Quest of Chivalry, I am more than honored to know that you did a right deed in the middle of a terrible situation. 


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