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Denizens of the 'Dark Side'

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Hey all.

Ya know, lately more than ever I have been noticing a trend among the young folk here in the city - and that trend seems to be focused pretty heavily on 'how cool' it is to be a self described 'Dark Sider'.  You know the kinds I mean: Usually the Goth kids but now I see wannbe vampires and the like - who really seem to believe that they are vampires too.

Now on top of this we have kids who appear quite mainstream, yet who are drawn more and more to the grim, drug laden, often suicidal world of the so-called 'Dark Side'.

This is not the real dark side, but a media frosted skewing of reality. The real dark side is a very ominous beast - something that I think a lot of folk who claim to be Darksiders, Darklings, Darkworkers or whatever other term they may use, have little real comprehension of.

You may have noticed that I used the quotes around the term 'Dark Side'. I do this because what I see in these young people is an ideation of something that they have picked up from fiction or other media. For the most part they see the Dark Side as the cool thing; the rebel thing; something that will bring them power of some kind - something to make them stand out. The focus once again narrows upon the self and it becomes a "ME" kind of thing.

I can see where a lot of this comes from: One young fella I talked to on the ferry recently told me that so many of his (20 something) generation turn toward the world of Gothic thought; of raves and drugs and non social behavior - because they feel they have nothing to look forward to. He told me that he felt that all the opportunities were gone...and that his generation doesn't even have any decent music of its own.

I think we live in a world desperate for balance, not an increase in polarities. In particular with our young people who I see as the bright future of our species. I think that rather than turning toward the dark they should seek the balance that resides within all of us.

We need our young people. They are indeed the key to a better tomorrow. Thus I wonder how folk like us might subtly get the message out that there are avenues for balance and happiness and service out there?

Living by example and teaching when the moment is right is the method I use anyway.


Sir James A:
Acceptance by a group, and ease of acceptance. Most kids/teens want to belong. If they can belong, and it requires no effort - even easier for them. If "dark" stuff is what's popular, they want to be with the popular group. Movies have a lot to do with that influence lately. I'd wager most of them don't care about the activity as much as they do being part of a group.

Sir Edward:

I suspect that it's exactly that-- it's "cool", it's culturally current, it's empowering (in an individualistic sort of way), and a means to be accepted in a social group designed around being outcasts, mutually, together (which in a way sounds like a contradiction).

My feeling is that most aren't actually desiring true darkness, and when faced with it, they'd be at a loss as to how to handle it or combat it. It probably varies to a great degree, from person to person, how likely they are to fall into addictions, crime, and other such problems. Many probably like the clothes, and social aspects, without getting into the real "underworld" aspects.

I wish there were more positive role-models available, and culturally "cool" good-guys.

That's something I really like about the awe-struck kids at the renfaire, when we're in full kit. Knights can be a real "bad-ass" and yet positive image. It really makes my day when kids respond well to it. It gives me some hope.

Indeed, I think positive role-modelling is key

Lord Tristin:
Good Sir Corvus, I feel where your coming from. I myself have gone to many raves over the years,  I love to dance and have a good time, and have been known to imbibe alcohol on occasion. I personally believe drug use isn't any higher in this culture then any other, it is just sadly more accepted and not hidden. As far as Goth and "dark side" culture, I grew up around the Punk rock and Goth/Industrial scene, There were many depressed kids in that scene, but in my mind not much more than in the Jock or preppie etc. scenes. Selfishness and the "ME" attitude are certainly very prevalent in Youth today, but that is the same thing my parents said about my generation, and theirs about theirs. As far as Music is concerned their are some phenomenal bands out there right now, in country, folk, metal, rock, and electronic venues. I think the Kid you talked to was depressed, just as many teens are , form all generations.

On that note, I agree, the Selfish "me" attitude is too prevalent, in all generations. The younger generation does learn form their elders, and their elders really are not much better at being selfless. That is why Chivalry is needed now more than ever. I see and have met good honest forthright people from all walks of life and all cultures, I am proud of how positive some young people are, and sadness comes over me when I see a young person without hope, they have no idea how much potential they have. I will get off my soapbox now and let this be.


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