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Initiations and Accolades

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Hello again, gents.

Lately I have been wondering about the initiatory process in the Order of the Marshal. It would seem that there is no one set form for the Accolade, am I correct in this? Also - and please excuse me if I have overlooked this somewhere else on the forum - while it would seem that the core group of knights of the Order were /are local to one another, it also appears the interest has spread elsewhere geographically speaking. As such I am wondering how one would go about receiving one's spurs, so to speak, when they are unable to travel to the location of the original knights...or is some sort of special dispensation given when a person is deemed ready/worthy?

 Best Regards

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward ---
I figure starting a consolidated thread for knighting announcements would be a good thing.

Let's have a hearty Huzzah for Sir Gerard, who conducted his knighting ceremony this past weekend. We have yet to see the pictures/video, but I went ahead and updated his status in the roster, and will be making his certificate soon.

This was our first international knighting. The good Sir Gerard arranged his knighting ceremony, as no current Order knights could attend across the ocean. His sponsors could only be there in spirit.

Keep an eye on this space in the months to come, as we have a couple other knightings slated to happen before long.
--- End quote ---

Excellent question Corvus. We decided upon a unique solution with our more distant knighting and opted for a ‘knighting by proxy’ approach whereas the squire is obliged, if possible, to arrange with some local friends who will stand in for Knights of the Order and conduct the ceremony. We have also considered having a secondary local knighting ceremony with one of us donning the surcoat and heraldry of the squire being raised up to knighthood.

Sir Gerard’s ceremony was extra awesome because they took a great video of it which I hope one of my brethren can add to this post.  :)

Ok, I found the video: :)

Sir Edward:

We also just added a thread this week that gives a quick overview of how joining works, etc:,2425.0.html

Sir Brian;

Indeed I did have a look at that very interesting clip.  :) Very well put together ceremony. No doubt it was a labor of love for Sir Gerard.

I think you fellows have put a lot of thinking into this kind of thing and have come up with some very innovative ideas -  and methods of implementing them.

Sir Edward:

I saw that. Most informative - thank you for drawing my attention there.


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