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Chivalry Never Existed: Debunking the Chivalry Myth

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Sir Brian:
My access is blocked as I am vexed yet again by the network Nazis!  :(

Strong in the Force are you, for removed that site through will, you did  ;)

B. Patricius:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2013-04-17, 14:30:16 ---My access is blocked as I am vexed yet again by the network Nazis!  :(

--- End quote ---

Apparently my chivalric juju is not as strong as Sir Brian as I was able to read the blog...

where to begin...

I must say that within her argument of how chivalry is non-existant and a farce started as a fairly good soapbox blog rant with a fair thesis and quickly lost its way from there. 

I like how she only really used shipwrecks as her evidence in how chivalry does not exist.  This is something I know a bit about, having served aboard ship and having been a part of a great living history group in Southern California, yes they are pirates, but good pirates.  In her research on the sinking of ships, I'd like to find out the actual percentage of women onboard those ships and if any of those women survived?

Beyond that, I thought her conclusions were quite well thought out, except not that chivalry is non-existant but that she doesn't quite understand what chivalry is.  I do believe, living in a small town where men wear cowboy hats and nod politely, get out of the way, and open doors for all manner of women, is very polite.  But it is also chivalrous in nature. 

The one part I really didn't enjoy was where she went rather sexist against her own sex and ethnocentric to boot with "what women want in men."  If push came to shove, and I had to defend me and mine, I can definitely be assertive and be the worst possible type of nightmare on the impending assailant.  But I'm also a softie, I'm working towards creating a horse rescue and BLM mustang training ranch, cooking, and being a "nice guy."  Through my short 30 years of existence but having put a lot of miles on these bones and my soul, I can happily say to my friends that are getting continually shafted by girls because they are the 'nice guy,' "look, girls easily think a guy can be 'too nice' and then run away, a lady, she recognizes the 'nice guy' for who he really is, his skeletons, hardships, and especially his honor and truth... and then she loves him dearly."

My former master chief told me that by the way when I was having those same exact troubles.  Now, although "semi-retired" and out of commission so to speak, I have a lady who loves me and a 2 year old I spend my days with because she works and I, in a normal real-world setting, cannot. 

I do have to love this though, wherever this woman is, she surely enjoys her freedom of speech and it saddens me that she may have taken down her blog because of people getting upset at her rants.  It's her right, as a human, not just as a woman, to do so.  Beyond that, this woman who wrote this feminist rant on "chivalry never existing" I have to wonder, has she met her "nice guy" yet, and has she moved beyond the child fascinations of chivalry, knights, and princesses, to the truth: that honor, courage, and commitment, never die.

Brother Patricius
Thank you for your comments on that blog. As I was unable to view it I will admit I was very curious as to its content.

Indeed, this person sounds as though they are angry and feeling possibly unempowered or invalidated. (has my clinical counseling training showed through yet?  ;)) Often in such cases people feeling this way turn to a process called Transference - in which they load their negative feelings off onto another person or group. Sometimes Transference is born of ignorance (as in the development of bigotry/prejudice by children in an unsavory environment) and at other times it is an emotional reaction by an adult.

Feminists in particular seem to be very angry in this way. I recall that once when I was in my first year at university (centuries ago now it seems) I was physically assaulted by a woman for simply holding the door open for her. Indeed I had held the door for several women, not her in particular and while the others thanked me, this one dropped her bag, punched me really hard in the chest and basically came after me with a vengeance. During her attack she accused me of insulting her womanhood and demeaning women.

Very luckily for me a campus policeman happened to see the entire then and he hauled her off of me in fairly short order. As hitting women is not something I would ever want to do I had done my best simply to hold her off from hitting me anymore.

A most unsavory experience to be sure - and I am sure that such things as direct violence from feminists - are rare. However it is one end of the spectrum.

I still hold doors open for the Ladies by the way. I am truly one who courts danger every day ;)  ;)

Sir James A:
I got as far as:

--- Quote ---Because a man’s nature is violent, it is dominance to full extent.
--- End quote ---

Opening with that, well, I didn't care to read any further as I'm pretty sure I'd have minimal, if any, agreement on the rest of it...


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