Main > The Armoury
Sir Wolf:
someone anyone, tell me what the difference in these two helmets is? and why one is more than teh other
Sir Vander Linde:
Because it is on by the sword; They have some issues, particularly recently :( (Internet & financial) . I’m currently less than 30min from their place.
Sir Ulrich:
That looks like my topfhelm I use for my late 12th early 13th century kit. It did need a LOT of padding plus a coif to fit my rather large size head properly. My head is close to 23 inches maybe even 24 so most "medium" size helms dont fit me.
Sir James A:
Top one has a slightly domed top, bottom one is flat.
Top one has two rivets between the "quarter sections" of the top of the helmet; bottom one has 3.
I feel like there should be 4 more differences, but I can't find them. :)
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