Main > The Round Table

Weapon of Choice?

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Sir Brian:
As I don’t have full plate armor I will have to settle for my transitional and a poleaxe or longsword.

Lol Thorsteinn is you hadn’t posted that video then I would have!  ;D

My favorites have always been either spears or two handed swords. My current battle ready sword is a heavy Grosse-Messer.

Lord Tristin:
I am a fan of Shields, a longsword or mace, perhaps a flail. but mostly a longsword and shield. also a hand and a half or bastard sword and heavy gauntlets work well. I frequently use the shield and sword combo, trapping and shield attacks abound! With proper gauntlets I do not fear grabbing an opponents weapon.

Lord Chagatai:
Glaive or pole arm.....maybe even a great axe!!!!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Lord Dane:
Give me a bo staff, I'm taking you down.
Give me a longsword, I'm taking your head.
Give me a spear, I have something to put your head on.
Any questions??  ;D


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