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Justifiable homicide?

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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-04-02, 17:02:54 ---I love those guys...but truthfully, you'd have to be a bit homicidal yourself in order to perform the uh, services that these fellas render.  I thought they did a good thing...but as you saw, even they were not beyond the reach of vengeance.

I heard tell there might be a 3rd one?

--- End quote ---

Oh certainly, and I'm not homicidal like that. They fill that gap of "these are evil people, who the world is better without, but the system can't do anything to" that only exists in movies. The "do not kill, do not steal, do not rape, these are things any person of any faith can embrace" is the highlight for me, as well as the warning to those of lesser crimes not to cross the line.

The third one rumor has been floating a while. The second one was terrible, but left it wide open for a third.

Sir William:
You thought the second one was terrible?  Why?  That was actually the first one I'd seen- then the wife found the first one for me on evilBay.

Lord Tristin:
I can't say what I would do. Would I be filled with rage and slay my child's killer? would I be struck with grief and weep for the death of my children? I don't know, and I hope I never have to find out.

I will chime in on this one and say that I think Mr. Baraja's actions are justifiable - if not by the laws of men then by the laws of nature. Any of you here who are parents know how very deeply sacred your children are, as my eleven year old daughter is to me. There aren't even enough words for me to describe the love I hold for my child. My daughter to me; is priceless beyond imagining. Thus if someone ever took her from me a significant part of me would be gone: I would consider myself as already dead and do what I needed to.

I take a step beyond my own child in this as well. I consider all children to be sacred gifts. They are the seed of what our world could be: They are living packages of hope for our species - every single one of them.

As such they are, in my own not so humble opinion in this case, of far more value to the natural order than say, an adult in a similar circumstance. What Mr. Baraja must have gone through that day - and what he must be going through now - I can only imagine. He has lost his precious children to the deeds of one who by his own actions cared nothing for the law or even common sense. What he did came of utter selfishness - and innocents died as a result.

Now I imagine Mr. Baraja cares nothing for his own life. On some level, despite the facts, he probably considers himself responsible for the entire event. As parents we always feel that we could have done this better or that better. The 'what ifs' are probably the biggest spectre in Mr. Baraja's mind right now and he would probably like nothing more than to join his boys in the afterlife.

Very, very sad situation indeed.

Sir James A:
I forgot to come back to this thread when I read about it on a different story. One of the articles stated that someone heard the crash, then Baraja went to his house which was nearby, CAME BACK, and shots were fired.

Under that pretense, I'd say it was premeditated, however short that time may be. My original comments were under the impression that the drunk driver hit his sons while they were pushing the car, and he turned around and shot him on the spot. The plot, as they say, thickens a bit with that.


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