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Justifiable homicide?

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Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---I offer my respects & prayers to those who suffer as such. Good men suffer while those who do evil will not always be punished justly or swiftly in our years, and sadly enough, in theirs either.... Good behavior should be rewarded and evil deeds be punished
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--- Quote ---but it is not always so in this life.... Who judges what is good and evil?? Right and wrong?? Moral or immoral?? Who is good enough amongst men to judge?? And who is perfect enough to say they are just and righteous in what they do?? We all sin, we all suffer. We are all born, live, and die by the same will but not always under the same conditions. Although not always equal in life, we are made by the choices we make every day. Reflective of ideals, we are all judged in conscious by those thoughts and acts respectively by our own nature.   
--- End quote ---

There is truth in your words.  What gives an individual moral standing to judge is defined by his/her character, integrity and their definitions of morality.  Only then can one discern those who act with justice and mercy and those who do not. 

Sir William:
Ah well...we can agree to disagree on that.  Vengeance is vengeance- despite the mistakes one or the other may have made.  I know for my part, if my daughter were responsible for the deaths of anyone else, first-time mistake or habitual, then she is liable to the full extent of the law.  What I will not condone, is someone killing her outright due to grief and rage- as far as I am concerned, that gives tacit approval for a like response.  You don't have the right to take her life- in doing so, you give me the right to take yours and thus the cycle begins.

Sir Edward:
Personally I tend to lean toward the law in cases like this-- even scumbags deserve their day in court.

But having said that, I like this quote from an episode of The Borgias that I was just watching this week: (paraphrasing, due to insufficient memory) "Vengeance must be subtle, and not appear to be vengeance. Vengeance is patient. It can wait a lifetime if necessary because it never dies."  :)

Sir James A:
I lean towards the Boondock Saints philosophy, but I doubt I could ever actually *live* it

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At 1:17 until the end

Sir William:
I love those guys...but truthfully, you'd have to be a bit homicidal yourself in order to perform the uh, services that these fellas render.  I thought they did a good thing...but as you saw, even they were not beyond the reach of vengeance.

I heard tell there might be a 3rd one?


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