Main > The Round Table

An Outstanding example...

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Sir William:
I can appreciate that on the part of the gun store owner.  What Kelly was doing was essentially a straw purchase and the gun store owner called him on it.  Nicely done.

Personally, I think Kelly bought that specifically for home defense- he probably wasn't looking to be recognized, so he came up with a BS story that sounded plausible.  However, his point would've been made w/any gun purchase, not that of an assault rifle.

I take issue with his cover-up, is all.

Lord Dane:
All I can say professionally is ..... H U Z Z A H!!!!!!!  ;D Personally, I'm going to go shoot off some illegal *ahem* I mean questionable rounds of a non-civilian nature in unheard of quantity from a particular weapon with some non-sanctified magazines to celebrate that good man. Well-stated, SIR Sarcasm. LOL 

Sir William:
You know there's something wrong with a law if even the police don't follow along.

Lord Dane:
Bear good faith that this officer will only enforce the law that is based upon the oath he took to uphold. Discretion is the best tool I have been given as I have it at my disposal to utilize for the job I do. The only true law that protects us is one that allows us to do the same from those who think they act in everyone's best interest (when it is clear that corruption plagues their good judgment & integrity if it ever existed).

God gave us his laws so we would know what is right, moral, human, and decent for all men to follow. He gave us 'free-will' so we would know that we have the ability to choose our own path. Each of us has within what defines us to be men of faith, good in our hearts, sound in our minds, and moral in our souls; or the opposite end of what makes men sinister and corrupt. Our words spoken alone are just words unless our deeds coincide to reflect those principles.   

"Justice (as it is) comes from laws based on faith, honor, prudence and wisdom. Guiding principles I will live by and serve. And if my death ensues from this service, it is for good cause and the better of those whom I protect. If there is any who impose contrary values to these, I swear I shall not serve you; and will with my dying breath speak out against you and defend those of which I pledge my life to protect. For if my life has no meaning then my death serves no purpose. Uphold justice, protect the innocent, serve with benevolence."   

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-03-27, 15:01:23 ---You know there's something wrong with a law if even the police don't follow along.

--- End quote ---

That was a joke in reference to a good quote, Sir William. I follow the law as it is expected of me but laws are made to ensure police do have exemptions written within them to be able to better serve public interest too. As it should be because police require such protection from those who would do them harm (or others). Professionally, I serve public interest when working. Personally I protect myself, my family, and my brethren before all (unless there is good reason to hold exemption to this rule).


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