Main > The Armoury
resizing the marshal's lion
Sir Wolf:
if i give you the shield size I have to work with, can anyone resize the marshals lion so i can print it off 1 to 1? every time i try to do it myself it does not work.
Sir Edward:
We can try. You'll have to print to several pages though.
Sir James A:
You need to make sure "scale to fit page" or something similar in print properties *isn't* checked/clicked. It's going to be super-pixelated and rough if it's not a file that ends in ".svg", but if you're going to be smoothing out the line yourself, sure, we can give it a go.
I've always thought taking the image and using a projector to display it so you can trace it would be awesome.
Sir Wolf:
see here. i got about 47 inches high on the white and 19 inches wide about where the bulk of the lion would be.
i would like to paint it up and let the group use it for it's demos or the VARF or whatever. if it's needed that is. Or I would just carry it to faires lol
Sir Wolf:
pay no attention to heir helmet and the jump boot lol
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