Main > The Round Table

New Heraldry

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Lord Dane:
Hope it matches my surcoat.

Sir Edward:
So far I've found (via wikipedia) mention of "double fimbriation". I still don't see anything about fimbriating a metal with a metal, or how much the rule of tincture applies to the charge and its fimbriation (outline). Generally the rule applies to items on top of others, not next to. So if we interpret that loosely, I think fimbriating the rondels with crosses like that is probably fine from a mostly historical standpoint.

The new version of the shield is definitely "easier" in that regard, but in the end it's still up to you. :)

Sir James A:
The sword crossing the "boundary" of the chevron is what throws me.

The only thing I see crossing a division / ordinary is another division / ordinary. Small sample set, and of course not everybody followed the rules back then, but the sword is the thing that jumps at me. :)

Sir Edward:

As far as I know, it's OK. Not common, but not disallowed either.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-03-18, 22:31:05 ---
As far as I know, it's OK. Not common, but not disallowed either.

--- End quote ---

Ah, cool, thanks.


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