Main > The Round Table

New Heraldry

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Lord Dane:
So be it. The crosses pattee Or it shall be. :) One other thing I did not mention is a blackened steel harness with overlayed brass trim down the centerline and around the collar secured by brass rivoted black leather straps is another piece to advance the kit in history. 

Lord Dane:
Ok. Here is my final revision of my Coat of Arms. I like this as my final. Thoughts??

Sir Wolf:
cool, have fun painting it on a shield ;)

Lord Dane:
I'll leave that to someone else. :)

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Lord Dane on 2013-04-17, 21:29:33 ---Ok. Here is my final revision of my Coat of Arms. I like this as my final. Thoughts??

--- End quote ---

I like it better without the lower lines, but just my 0.02 worth


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