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New Heraldry

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Welcome to the forum.   I would like to direct you to  "The Great Hall" section of the forum where we can properly welcome you aboard with an appropriate introduction so we can all learn a little about you.

Sir Wolf:
those are both cool

Sir Edward:

I like them both. I'm a little surprised about having a sable wyvern over top of the chevron, since it looks like color on color to me. But the SCA has everything pretty well standardized, so there must be a rule for it. In any case, I like it.

Lord Chagatai:
The Wyvern is the overall charge so it doesn't fall in the color on color rule..chevron is a field division..

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: LrdMurchadh on 2013-04-04, 15:19:23 ---The Wyvern is the overall charge so it doesn't fall in the color on color rule..chevron is a field division..

--- End quote ---

OK, that makes sense... though chevrons are technically ordinaries. :)  Very nice though. I like it.


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