Miscellaneous > The Market Square
a friends for sale page
Sir Wolf:
all descriptions and prices are by the pictures when you click on them
not mine, a friends
Awww.. I thought you were selling your friend :(
Sir William:
I clicked that and got nothing. What's it supposed to be?
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-03-19, 21:11:05 ---I clicked that and got nothing. What's it supposed to be?
--- End quote ---
List of stuff for sale. The link is in mobile format, so that might be messing with it some.
Sir William:
I see:
1 - recent uploads - click this and I get taken to a spot with three pics, one of a bunch of canned goods?, Deanna's pics and motion alarm stairwell
2 - explore recent uploads - click this one and I get Bay of Fires, beaubourg and Monolith. All with lots of comments. I don't think he's selling a Monolith.
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