Main > The Armoury

Tailoring my maille.

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Sir William:
True, but not much'll still need to acclimate yourself to wearing the maille and the only way to do that is to wear it regularly.  You know, as you do stuff around the house, have it on.  Its a pain at first, as you need to get used to it.  Tailored though, that'll make it hang much better and get in the way less.  How long of a timeframe did he quote you?

Sir Ulrich:
He said he could get it fitted within the month or even sooner. Still debating on it a bit but I always wanted fully tailored maille, as it can fit much better for fighting in which means it wont be just a tube around my body.

Sir William:
Well, as soon as my Svan gambeson gets in and I can take measurements, I'll send it to him.  He said and I quote- fit you like a tailored suit.

Color me excited!

B. Patricius:

--- Quote from: Sir Ulrich on 2013-04-04, 19:17:15 ---Well the "angry at parents" thing mostly has to do with the fact that I am at the age where I am supposed live alone and because I want to do things alone they always have to "hover" over everything I do and not give me any "alone" time. Makes me second guess myself a lot with everything which in turn makes me not mature as quickly as my peers. Second guessing makes me end up idle and unsure of what I really want. In other words I am tired of them being "helicopter parents". I'd rather make mistakes and learn because the only way I really learn is through experience, just because one thing doesnt work for someone doesnt mean it wont work for me.  I'd rather not talk about my personal issues on a public forum though, cause then the world can see it.

--- End quote ---

Ulrich, although I am new here, maybe I can shed some light as well.  I'm 30, and it wasn't that long ago I was in a similar predicament as you.  My solution:
I denied all offers to scholarship (only part I half regret)
I enlisted
I left a letter on the kitchen counter

first time in my life my Dad hugged me, and one of the few times he said he was proud of me was after my graduation from bootcamp.  "You're your own man now, your decisions, your life.  I'm proud of you."

not too long after, far too short in my beliefs of what should/could have been, I was injured and discharged.  I moved in with my Uncle.  No one in my family knows the truth of my injuries.  I'm my own man, and my own keeper.  I went to school, transferred to a university out of state and now live six hours away. 

best advice I can give you, your parents are a priceless asset unless they truly deserve to be in jail.  You may not believe it now, but not a day goes by now, when I watch my girlfriend's two-year-old, that I don't look back on my father's teachings and "someday, you'll thank me" comes up.  I call him or my mom, and I thank them.

B. Patricius

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-04-10, 14:35:14 ---Well, as soon as my Svan gambeson gets in and I can take measurements, I'll send it to him.  He said and I quote- fit you like a tailored suit.

Color me excited!

--- End quote ---

My hauberk and voiders went out to him for some tailoring. I had already cut down the torso of the hauberk and tapered the sleeves, and it just needed closing up. Side note: Stainless mail is difficult to work with, the rivets don't squeeze well at all - and I tried 3 different pliers and 95% of the time it just bends or distorts.

Back on the subject, curious to see how the hauberk will fit when it gets back. The voiders I already cut down to proper size, but he's going to fix all the missing rivets (see pliers issue above), and then do the cleaning/refinishing. I tried the cement mixer and sand method, and wasn't happy with the results.

If all goes well I'll have the voiders back for the VARF shows!


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