Main > The Round Table

The Knighting of Sir John

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B. Patricius:
Sir John,

going through your "ceremony post" I must say, it left me speechless for a moment.  Beautifully done, and a warm-felt congratulations from across the nation!  I'd be humbled and honored if I would even be allowed to attend, dress blues and all and O P SEC be damned, full dress.  Since I know I'd not be able to make the trip, I hope my spirit is enough.  Congratulations on this grand achievement, and yes, I'm a fan of not having a eulogy afterward, even though that comment is what brought me out of the shock.

again, congratulations to you, good sir
may the road rise to meet you, and the wind be always at your back
fair winds, and following seas
Pat (USCG - ret)
B. Patricius

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Thank you.

My knighting has been postponed due to a bad back. I have been out of work this past week with therapy every day. I hope I'm soon better,

Sir John

B. Patricius:
Sir John,

many well-wishes for your speedy recovery.  A thrown out back is not good news.  I've been there and in a cast of sorts for over four months.  Just don't try to push yourself to too quick of a recovery, and get x-rays.  I'm so glad my chiropractor took x-rays before making my back any worse, you'd be surprised what your back can go through.

many well wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery

B. Patricius

Sir John of Felsenbau:
B. Patricius,

I have had x-rays taken and know the source of my back pain. Thanks.


Sir Edward:

Good luck! I hope you feel better soon.


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