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Rare Warhammer on ebay for bid.

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Lord Dane:
Here's the link:

Got some patina on it in pics. Pretty big!! Used in last battle of the 100 Years War reportedly.

NOTE: I might have to get this just to use it on Sir Nathan for his 'hammering ceremony' next outing. ;) I can think of no better honor then to batter him with a touch of history. LOL

The seller makes some wild claims that aren't really backed up by anything... I'm skeptical.

Sir Wolf:

Sir James A:
Looks like a re-handled masonry hammer to me?

Allan Senefelder:
Alright, heres the deal, there are infact some " two handed " warhammers, unfortunately what this referencess is camp impliments pressed into service in the 15th century, peasent levey farm implemets in the 14th. I've seen and handled a few large examples like this with verifiable sources and I won't kid you, they're big, like farm implememnts pressed into service, but this fella is so vague, promising everything ( guaranteeded " authenticity " ) while promising nothing. Its old, I used to use a railroad spike setting sledge hammer from the 19th century ground round for planishing that had the same patina, and weighted just as much and fitted on a new haft would look pretty much the same in terms of appearence of " age ". Without something far more concrete in terms of documentation, I wouldn't go anywhere near it. Its not impossible that this was dug up where stated, but i'd need far more than " say so " to believe that 1) find place is legit, and 2) purpose is legit . If 1 were in fact true, why would one assume that 2 is, the weight stated makes it far more suited to engineering/camp work than fighting unless pressed into desperate service. Just saying, based on my years collecting original pieces.


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