Main > The Round Table

A 14 year old Hero

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Sir James A:
*SO* many good things in the article!

"remembered that his father had told him that, in case of emergency, he should get everyone into one of the bathrooms -- the only room in the house with no windows."

"he retrieved the hunting knife he had just gotten for Christmas."

"his family maintains that he simply did the right thing"

"We had never really thought about 'hero,'" Persyn said of his son. "I just kept telling him how proud I was of him."

Beyond awesome!

His father taught him what to do in an emergency, he was able to arm himself for worst-case .. and he helped a woman in need. Huzzah for the fine young gentleman!!

Sir William:
He has indeed; his actions were as knightly as you could possibly get short of engaging the assailant (and I'm glad he did not have to, otherwise this story may not be the feel good item it currently is).

Sir Edward:

Yes, this story is truly excellent on so many levels. Huzzah!


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